Free Premium Plugins : MythicMobs Premium 1.6-1.20 (►The #1 Custom Mob Creator◄ ) 5.5.1

Download Gratis Plugin MythicMobs Premium

Apa itu MythicMobs ?

MythicMobs adalah salah satu plugin nomor satu yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat kostum mobs pada server Minecraft. Dengan MythicMobs kita dapat membuat mobs dengan berbagai macam jenis seperti menambahkan skill, memakai armor, dan masih banyak lagi.

Fitur MythicMobs Premium 

MythicMobs Premium comes with numerous Premium-only perks, including:

  • All features of free version 
  • Special Premium role in Discord
  • Access to the premium support channels
  • Access to the latest version faster
  • Access to development builds
  • Access to premium-only mechanics, such as raytracing and chain-missile!
  • Ability to use custom damage types and damage modifiers
  • Ability to use Math and Placeholders in:
  • Mob attributes (health, damage, etc)
  • Most skills
  • Item attributes
  • Drop table amounts
  • Ability to use Skill Parameters
  • Ability to use In-Line Target Conditions
  • Ability to use on hit conditions & bounce in projectile skills
  • Ability to use conditional AI goals/targeters
  • Ability to use origin=@targeter in any mechanic
  • Much more!
Any new things unlocked with MythicMobs Premium can also be used in compatible Mythic plugins, such as Crucible, Enchants, MMOItems, MMOCore, and more!

Command MythicMobs

General Commands

  • /mm (alias: /mythicmobs) Base command for the plugin. Displays all other commands.
  • /mm debug [level] (alias: /mm d [level] Sets the plugin's debug level. 0 = OFF.
  • /mm debugmode [true/false] Enables debug mode, which disables random spawners, mob spawners, and other random things that make debugging difficult.
  • /mm reload (alias: /mm r)  Reloads the plugin.
  • /mm save Force saves all active mobs and spawners.
  • /mm version Displays MythicMobs version.

Item Commands

  • /mm items (alias: /mm i)  Base for all item related commands.
  • /mm items get [item_name] <amount> Gives yourself an item from the configured mob equipment.
  • /mm items give [player] [item_name] <amount>  Gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment.
  • /mm items give -s [player] [item_name] <amount>  Silently gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment.
  • /mm items give -d [player] [item_name] <amount>  Gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment, and drops the items in excess on the ground.
  • /mm items list * Lists off all configured mob equipment.
  • /mm item import <itemName> [fileName] * Imports held item to the Items folder. (File name defaults to <itemName>.yml)
  • /mm items browse Opens a GUI displaying all the loaded Mythic Items. (Premium Only)

Mob Commands

  • /mm mobs (alias: /mm m) Base for all mob related commands.
  • /mm mobs info [mob_name] Displays lots of information about a Mythic Mob.
  • /mm mobs list Displays a list of mobs loaded to the server.
  • /mm mobs listactive Displays a list of currently spawned mobs, and the number of each.
  • /mm mobs kill [mob_name] Removes all Mythic Mobs with the provided name.
  • /mm mobs kill -f [faction] Removes all Mythic Mobs with the provided faction.
  • /mm mobs killall Removes all active Mythic Mobs.
  • /mm mobs killall -p Removes all persistent Mythic Mobs.
  • /mm mobs spawn [mob_name]:<level> <amount> <world,x,y,z,yaw,pitch> Spawns mobs with the provided name.
  • /mm mobs spawn -s [mob_name]:<level> <amount> <world,x,y,z,yaw,pitch> Silently spawns the mob in- no console text.
  • /mm mobs stats Displays useful information about how many mobs are loaded on the server. (Amounts)

Mob Egg Commands

  • /mm egg (alias: /mm e) Base for all egg related commands.
  • /mm egg get [mob_name] <amount> Gives you mob eggs for the specified Mythic Mob.
  • /mm egg give [player] [mob_name] <amount> Gives a player mob eggs for the specified Mythic Mob.

Spawner Commands

Mob spawners can use special filters and wild cards in most commands in place of the spawner's name to run the command on multiple spawners.

Use g:group_name to run commands on a whole group of spawners.
Use r:radius to run commands on all spawners within radius blocks
Use ? for a single-character wildcard: Running the command /mm s set ?at leashrange 32 will set it on spawners named Cat, Rat, Fat, but not one named Matt.
Use ***** for any number of wildcard characters: Running the command /mm s set T leashrange 32* will set the leash range to 32 on all spawners starting with T
Running the command using * for the spawner name will change ALL spawners

  • /mm spawners (alias: /mm s) Base for all spawner related commands.
  • /mm s create [spawner_name] [mob name] Creates a new spawner at the location of the players reticule.The spawner will spawner whatever mob_name you gave it which can be any internal minecraft mob or the name of a mob you created under the ExampleMobs.yml configuration page.
Example : /mm s create Ruins_Skeleton1 DecayingSkeleton


  • /mm s set [spawner_name] [setting] [value]Changes a setting of the spawner. See below for all settingsSee Spawner Options Section for all the things that can be set here.
  • /mm s addcondition [spawner_name] [condition] [value] Adds a spawner condition which determines whether a mob should spawn when it's timer is up. See Spawner Conditions for conditions that can be applied here
  • /mm s removecondition [spawner_name] [condition]Removes a spawner condition.
Example : /mm s removecondition Ruins_Skeleton1 outside

  • /mm s info [spawner_name]Provides a list of information about a particular spawner.
Example : /mm s info Ruins_Skeleton1 (Lists information about the Ruins_Skeleton1 spawner)

  • /mm s listnear <distance> Lists all spawners nearby.Add a the distance parameter to narrow the list down.
Example : /mm s listnear 15 (Displays all the spawner names within 15 blocks)

  • /mm s resettimers [name] Resets cooldown and reset timers for the spawner listed.
Example : /mm s resettimers Ruins_Skeleton1 (Resets the Ruins_Skeleton1 spawner)


  • /mm s activate [name] Activates (forces a spawn from) a particular mob spawner.
Example : /mm s activate Ruins_Skeleton1** (Spawns the Ruins_Skeleton1 spawner)


  • /mm s cut [search_string] Cuts a group of spawners according to a given string.
Example for Group : /mm s cut g:BoneCastle (Cuts all spawners in the "BoneCastle" spawner group)

Example for Radius : /mm s cut r:200 (Cuts all spawners in a 200 block radius)

Example for Elementals : /mm s cut Elementals_ (Cuts all spawners whos name starts with Elementals_)


  • /mm s cut (Cuts all spawners. BE VERY CAREFUL!)
  • /mm s paste (Pastes a group of cut spawners in a new relative location. Spawners can be pasted multiple times but it replaces previous pastes. (They are not duplicated)
  • /mm s undo Undoes the previous cut operation and puts them back where they were. Will only work if you have not yet cut a new group of spawners.

Utility Commands

  • /mm test cast [skillname] - Allows you to run a skill as if you were a mob.
  • /mm test mechanic [line] - Allows you to run a mechanic line as if you were a mob.
  • /mm i get [droptable] - Allows you to get an item from a drop table as if you killed the mob dropping it.

Signal Command

  • /mm signal <UUID> <signal>

Used to signal mobs to toggle certain skills
Only works when used with the mobs UUID, doesnt work with
Usually used as a tellraw-command component
This command is available to all players. However players cannot
abuse this command unless they have the operator powers
neccessary to find specific mob UUIDs and internal signal names
of mobs.


At the moment MythicMobs only supports two permission nodes to grant
full access to the plugin. The reason for this is that nearly all
commands in MythicMobs are heavily abusable, and at the moment I don't
see a reason for individual permissions for each feature. Regardless, I
will add more permissions in the future when I have time for those that
would like it, but it is not high on my priority list.


  • mythicmobs.admin - Grants full access to the plugin's commands.


Access to individual commands can be given using

  • mythicmobs.command.<command>
  • - Access to the /mm info command.
  • mythicmobs.command.mobs.list - Access to the /mm mobs list command.
  • mythicmobs.command.signal - Permission to use the "/mm signal
  • <mob.uuid> <signal>" command
  • mythicmobs.command.test.cast - Permission to use "/mm test cast" command
  • mythicmobs.command.test.addthreat - Permission to use "/mm test addthreat" command
  • mythicmobs.command.test.reducethreat - Permission to use "/mm test reducethreat" command

Download Free MythicMobs Premium Plugins

Link : Download
Size : 15 MB

Tested Minecraft Version: 1.16 - 1.20

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